Simona Tagliaferri

Completed studies in architecture, specialising in gemmology. Training that ranges from the macro to the micro, within which Simona Tagliaferri developed her passion for accessories, and more generally for the structures in materials. An experience that has involved collaborating with leading international brands, and resulted in the pieces carrying her name being exhibited in various contemporary art galleries, including the prestigious MoMa Gallery in New York. An imperceptible signature, the S and the T are placed directly in focus on the material of her creations, magnificent handbags and some spectacular capes designed using the same decorative principles as the accessories.Her vast experience in the design of leather and metal makes it possible for Simona Tagliaferri to achieve an original fusion between the two materials, creating the Anima range of medium and large-sized bags and weatherproof shoulder bags that have a waxed and wrinkled effect, and defy a rigid shape.

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