Sark Studio

Sark Studio is the Surry Hills base for clothing designer Theresa Jackson, which combines a retail outlet and a design studio.

Theresa Jackson trained as a sculptor at the prestigious Maidstone Art College and exhibited at the ICA in London before deciding that Australia and Clothing was where her future lay. 

During the 1980’s she was one of the top designers in the country being selected in the Top Ten Designer lists by magazines as different as Mode and Cosmopolitan.

The arrival of children sparked a career change and Theresa spent 10 years costuming for film and television. 

In 2007 she returned to designing clothes with her Sark label and Sark Studio opened in February 2009, rapidly finding a loyal clientele among women who wanted clothing that represented them...individual, stylish and timelessly practical.

Her philosophy can be summed up as 'slow', local and individual. Fabric is sourced from mills as far apart as Italy and Japan but all manufacturing is done locally in Sydney. Theresa creates a constant flow of small runs, preferring the creative freedom that comes with throwing out the traditional twice yearly deadlines. She prefers to call herself a Clothing Designer rather than a Fashion Designer and creates practical, well-made clothes with a strong sense of individuality.

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( 奉購物滿2500元人民幣,我們會免費提供三天速運服務 )