
After countless conversations, material research, and reverse engineering, we were on our way to making our first prototype, and saw that there really is no other frame our there remotely like ours. That cemented our decision to put together a handmade eyewear line of uncompromising quality that we can to proud to place our names behind.

Rigards is a collaboration between two friends who share an appreciation for handmade craftsmanship and the clever use of horn in antique glasses. As lifelong four-eyes and avid collectors of unique vintage frames, Fean Marc Virard and Ti Kwa saw a gap in the market for the kind of frames that they wanted to wear horn rimmed, eco sensitive, nonconformist and set out to fill it with RIGARDS.

Rigards is a mission to rediscover the hidden treasures of horn eyewear, and to share them with like-minded aficionados through small numbered editions. From the meticulous selection of horns to the trademark Sanjuro surface treatment of every frame, RIGARDS's focus is to offer the ultimate in quality, style, and comfort in time when mass production has become the standard. 

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